Florida Property Management | Rent Me Homes
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Refer to Simply Real Estate.


Why? Because Simply Real Estate works with agents like you across the county that have property owners looking to become landlords

We will pay a referral fee directly to you as a special thank you to include 20% of the first months rent.*


Rest assured, we will guarantee in writing that when the landlords are ready to sell, we will refer them right back to you!


Fill out the form on the right to start the process today.



Here are some more reasons to refer to Simply Real Estate:


  • Send them to someone who specializes in property management.

  • Prevent losing your soon to expire listing to another listing agent. After all your time, money and effort, keep the customer, postpone the sale! Why risk losing the sales commission to another real estate agent? Just defer it! 

  • Provide immediate income to frustrated owners whose homes haven’t sold.  Be the hero with the solution!

  • Receive your seller back when he/she is ready to sell again-even if it is in five or more years! Guaranteed in writing! Simply Real Estate will not steal your customer or your money!

  • Receive a 20% referral fee!

  • Listings are a wonderful thing….until they don’t sell!  Unfortunately, more often than not, the seller tries another real estate agent, because after all, it’s got to be your fault that the home didn’t sell, right?  Wrong!

  • Simply Real Estate offers a solution that helps both real estate agents and the home owner.

  • Simply Real Estate will place a qualified tenant in the home and professionally manage it so your customer can generate immediate income with minimal stress and aggravation. 

  • We always work with your seller with you and your relationship with him/her in mind!  We will always promote you as an excellent sales agent, while we are just the rental agent! 

  • Everyone has their specialty. Yours is sales.  Ours is rentals.

  • If the tenant we place in the home ends up buying the home they are renting, you still get your commission!





Type of Property:

Thank you for your referral!



Simply Real Estate leases and manages unfurnished single family homes, townhomes and certain mobile homes/condominiums which meet our criteria. All properties must be rented for a period of no less than one year. We do not lease short term or vacation rentals.


Simply Real Estate pays a referral fee for landlords! We pay 20% of the first month’s rent, for landlord referrals. In accordance with FL law, referral fees are made payable to the agent’s Broker and are mailed within 5 business days of receipt of the first month’s rent. Rent Me Homes abides by and complies with all applicable municipality laws, including Fair Housing Act and will provide services to the Prospect and any other persons without regard to age, race, sex, color, religion, national origin, or marital status.


Simply Real Estate reserves the right to turn down any properties which do not meet our criteria for our portfolio of properties. Simply Real Estate must receive this referral form prior to the Landlord’s first contact with the company. Simply real Estate, offers customer protection to the referring agent. This means that when your landlords are ready to sell, we refer them right back to you…. GUARANTEED IN WRITING!

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